Torch Today

The Dangers Of Backing Up Your Data

Posted by admin Saturday, May 22, 2010

Why would I write such an article?  Mainly because I have experienced with what I am about to write about.
Did you ever do a backup of files, email or pictures only to find out they weren't really backed up.  I have and so have many of my clients.Tape drives, DVDs, CDs and even USB drive can fail.  You should periodically test the backups to be sure they are actually working. Either the drive itself can go bad or the tape itself or other media.
Another problem is that they may not be backing up what you think they are. They may not even be backing up to the chosen drive or location you want them to. This could be because you configure it wrong or just because the software is defective.

Obviously there are many kinds of data people can back up. This data could be very critical data base files that many small and large businesses have, important family picture, emails or just an important file you think is important.

What do I need in order to do a backup? 
You need media to copy data to.  This could be a second hard drive, USB drive or even tape, CD or DVD. Tape drives have become fairly obsolete but there are still many around. Some companies back up to a server or even an online service. Once you establish were your going to put the data you need to decide how you're going to get it there. If you have a small amount of data you simply need to select the file or folder and drag it to the location were you plan to store it. Be sure to right click when you drag it. If you left click you actually remove the file or folder from its previous location. If that happens, you will probable need to copy it back again. What's worse is that it may not be obvious that you did it.

What about large amounts of data?

Here is where things can really get tricky. First of all you need to store the files you want to back up in a single directory.  Mostly I recommend keeping anything you ever want to see again in


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