Torch Today

The Torch finally will launch the grammar learning based on the simple patterned method and usage for all participants who would like to study it. We call it EINSTEIN LEARNS ENGLISH, as we published it in previous posting. You may check it in the article of grammar. Proudly we so expect that this method can be applicative and easy to learn. Sooner, you will be able to download the complete series of this Grammar package that consists of 9 sessions divided by three different levels.


0 comments Posted by admin Saturday, June 5, 2010

Walaupun sangat berpengaruh dalam hal menterjemahkan kitab Injil, pekerjaan Nida dalam penterjemahan juga sering berpengaruh pada bidang linguistik dan penterjemahan di luar konteks kitab Injil. Aplikasi teori Nida yang paling terperinci belum terjadi di Inggris atau Amerika, tetapi di Jerman, dimana ilmu penterjemahan (Ubersetzungswissenschaft) menonjol dalam pengajaran penterjemahan di Universitas Saarland di Saarbrucken, di mana Jerman melatih para penterjemah dan interpreter masa depan.
Saya dapat menggambarkan pengaruh Nida dengan sangat baik dengan menganalisis pekerjaan Wolfram Wilss yang mengajar di Saarbrucken dan yang teksnya, Ubersetzungswissenschaft Probleme und methoden (1977), ilmu penterjemahan: masalah dan metode (1982), mungkin paling menjelaskan teori dan latihannya. Ilmu Wilss masih dalam bentuk yang bersifat sangat sementara─mendokumentasikan penelitiannya dengan contoh yang sangat sedikit, dan yang hanya digambarkan dari dua bahasa (Inggris dan Jerman). Kajiannya masih mengandung banyak kontradiksi yang tak terpecahkan dan secara keseluruhan sistemnya masih kurang dari standar evaluasi.


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Katakanlah (wahai Muhammad): “Wahai Ahli Kitab! Marilah (kita) menuju satu kalimat (pegangan) yang sama, antara kami dan kamu, bahwa kita tidak menyembah selain Allah dan kita tidak mempersekutukan Nya dengan sesuatu pun, dan kita tidak menjadikan satu satu sama lain tuhan-tuhan selain Allah”. Jika mereka berpaling, maka katakanlah (kepada mereka); “Saksikanlah, bahwa kami adalah orang muslim” (Al Quran, surat Al Imran ayat 64)
Apa sebetulnya keuntungan yang diperoleh oleh semua pemeluk agama Yahudi, Kristen, dan Islam? Ketiga agama ini adalah agama samawi terakhir yang percaya akan keesaan tuhan. Ketiganya pula adalah agama terbesar di dunia dengan jumlah penganut, tradisi, dan budaya serta peradabannya yang fantastis. Jika kita mau sedikit belajar, ada begitu banyak keuntungan yang diperoleh.

Harun memandang keluar jendela dari balik kelasnya di lantai tiga gedung paling luas di fakultas Fikom itu. Desiran angin menggetarkan kaca jendela beserta daun-daun kering yang turut terbang dan menempel. Jauh di atas sana beberapa selimbut awan yang menggulung berkerumun semakin padat. Awan-awan itu seolah-olah sedang berkumpul membicarakan hal yang serius.

Ada pepatah yang mengatakan kemiskinan terjadi karena adanya orang-orang kaya. Hubungan antara keduanya ibarat simbiosis yang saling membutuhkan. Di mana ada orang kaya, di situ pasti ada orang miskin. Karena itu, kemiskinan adalah sebuah keniscayaan. Selama bumi masih hidup, kondisi yang kerap dicela orang ini akan tetap selalu ada.
Apakah kemiskinan merupakan hal yang buruk? Kemiskinan diakui sebagai faktor pemicu rawannya kejahatan pada masyarakat. Kemiskinan melahirkan pengangguran dan generasi yang impoten. Ia juga memiliki potensi yang cukup besar dalam menyebarkan penyakit disebabkan tingkat kesehatan yang buruk, sanitasi yang tidak memadai, dan rendahnya mutu gizi. Orang yang berada dalam kemiskinan pun tidak punya kesempatan untuk mengenyam pendidikan yang lebih tinggi agar dapat memperbarui nasib mereka. Bahkan dalam tataran bernegara, sebuah negara dianggap maju atau berkembang ditilik dari tingkat persentase kemiskinan rakyatnya.

Try to believe

0 comments Posted by admin

Yes, that is what I’d like to share with you in this column. “Try to believe” is sometimes easy to talk but hard to do. So many considerations that the feeling of anxiety or maybe overreacted worries to our children make us so feel stressed, at least, that what I know. It can be referred to any kind we consider it as teacher; try to believe yourself, your skills, your experience, your method, your confidence, and your students. The last mentioned is what I want to share with you.

Sesuatu yang berhubungan dengan pengajaran masih memakai bentuk pertunjukkan solo. Ketika sedang mengajar, menjelaskan, menunjukkan hubungan, memberikan contoh, atau mengkoreksi kesalahan, guru/pengajar sering mengadakan monolog. Dari satu siswa hingga ke ratusan mungkin hadir untuk melihat dan mendengarkan Anda selama 30 detik sampai 60 menit. Apakah secara mental Anda siap mendapatkan perhatian dari siswa Anda? Apakah Anda dipersiapkan untuk memberi instruksi kepada mereka sebaik mungkin? Apakah Anda tahu bagaimana membangun hubungan dengan mereka? Apakah Anda dapat memotivasi mereka untuk memperhatikan apa yang Anda katakan? Apakah Anda dapat mengorganisasi pemikiran Anda secara koheren, dan Anda harus membaginya dengan siswa Anda? Apakah Anda mampu menyimpulkan pertunjukkan solo Anda sehingga kepuasan belajar siswa yang tinggi dapat muncul? Bab ini akan membantu Anda mengatasi masalah-masalah di atas.

Six Month Dental Braces

0 comments Posted by admin Friday, May 28, 2010

There are many professionals who offer six month braces in Essex, and you can find them quite easily. What you will want to pay attention to, however, are the details and the prices that each one of them offers to you for the entire length of treatment. You will also want a professional who is well versed in the processes and products so that you can feel at ease about your decisions. Six month braces, in Essex and all over the country, have become on of the most popular and cost effective ways of straightening and beautifying the smile, meanwhile maintaining a degree of discretion that has never been possible before.
As you seek six month braces in Essex, you will acquire some questions that you will want answered by a qualified dentist. Most of these options are designed for the older youth or for the adult, and as such have special instructions and guidelines that you may need to learn about.

How Can I Stop Getting Airsick?

0 comments Posted by admin Saturday, May 22, 2010

I suffer terribly from airsickness. I am not frightened of flying, but as soon as we have taken off I go green and get an immense feeling of nausea. I can't eat during a flight – whether it's for two hours or ten. The symptoms are aggravated by watching the in-flight film or reading. I have tried travel sickness pills, but they make my mouth dry.
Many people suffer from this problem. Although you say you are not frightened of flying, I believe this is probably the root of the problem. Phobia about air travel has increased notably in the aftermath of 11 September, with reports of other air accidents and the constant potential for turbulence adding to the problem.
One of air travellers' main fears is that when accidents happen there are few survivors. When travelling by car, train or boat you have the option of jumping out if there is an emergency. On a plane, however, the only choice is to remain where you are.

A sore throat is one of the most common of medical complaints. It is an inflammation or infection of the pharynx accompanied with discomfort, pain, or scratchiness in the throat. A sore throat is contagious in most cases and can be spread through coughing and sneezing. There are many ways to get rid of a sore throat.
Home Remedies for Sore Throat
Gargling with raspberry tea, turmeric, sage, lukewarm salt water, and Listerine can help ease a sore throat. Gargling is one of the best home remedies.
Pour one cup of boiling water over two teaspoons of dried raspberry leaves and steep for ten minutes. Then strain, allow cooling and gargling. It is also good for controlling fevers.

Why would I write such an article?  Mainly because I have experienced with what I am about to write about.
Did you ever do a backup of files, email or pictures only to find out they weren't really backed up.  I have and so have many of my clients.Tape drives, DVDs, CDs and even USB drive can fail.  You should periodically test the backups to be sure they are actually working. Either the drive itself can go bad or the tape itself or other media.
Another problem is that they may not be backing up what you think they are. They may not even be backing up to the chosen drive or location you want them to. This could be because you configure it wrong or just because the software is defective.

Among the varieties of methods in learning any kind of languages, one of them is getting source from the origins whose the language belong to. Recently, the interesting of learning language for students has been in the top chart, especially for foreign languages. The atmosphere is endorsed by the needs of searching and looking up the new knowledge and studies that mostly comes from overseas.
In educational terms, the discourse has plotted as the main issue to improve the way of teaching language. We just invite the foreigners to the class and then ask them to explain or to show what they want to share about their languages. There are many mediums and contrivances for them to achieve the goal. They can make some simulations for the students to have practice of it; give flow charts or just play a game. Seems it is old school and we used to know it in the courses.

Pendidikan ideal untuk pembelajaran bahasa Inggris bagi tingkat sekolah dasar adalah dengan menggunakan metode learning by playing sesuai dengan karakteristik anak didik sehingga belajar bahasa Inggris dirasakan menyenangkan.
Adapun penjabaran materi bahasa Inggris yang harus dikuasai oleh anak didik tingkat sekolah dasar adalah:
1. Pronunciation (pengejaan)
Ini adalah langkah dasar yang wajib dikuasai oleh anak didik. Kita bisa membuat satu materi khusus tentang mengeja, dengan pemberian kosakata dan pelatihan yang bertingkat. Tiap kelas diberi pembelajaran mengeja dengan kosakata yang berbeda, semakin tinggi kelasnya, maka kata-kata yang dilatih untuk diejapun semakin sulit. Misalnya, standardisasi pengejaan kata untuk kelas satu terdiri dari tiga huruf, dengan jenis kata yang beraneka ragam (kata benda, kata kerja, dll), sedangkan untuk kelas enam terdiri dari enam atau tujuh huruf.

Relay Race Games

1 comments Posted by admin Wednesday, May 12, 2010

This idea can be used with Relay Race - a really easy to use, fun and useful speaking game I sent out some time ago.
Relay Race Variation
Class size: Any including very large
Level:    Adapt to any level including advanced (for beginners use the original Relay Race)
Age:    6 to adults (for 4-5 year olds you need the original Relay Race)

So that what I have felt being teacher. Teacher is not a miracle device that can turn on the intelligence of students. Teacher is not a decision maker for creating bright students. Teacher is just a bridge, a portal to the knowledge. The bait (knowledge transferred) depends on the interesting of the fish (students) to take it. You can not put all the burden of education on the shoulder of teachers. Transferring doesn’t mean producing. The teacher just shapes, guides and monitors. Teaching (offering bait) is a part of process.

Considering to the low quality of our education today, we just can’t discuss it in any seminars or workshops, but, the most important of all, solve the problems. The challenge of globalization requires us to take real actions directly to the improvement of educational quality, though the condition of our economy is not conducive.

Tidak ada seorang pun yang menyangka bahwa The Bridges of Madison Country karya Rober Waller akan mudah laku keras dan menjadi karya best-seller. Ceritanya terlalu singkat; penulisnya, seorang mantan professor bidang manajemen, tidak terkenal; alur ceritanya, sangat basi. Namun novel yang mengisahkan empat hari yang romantis pada musim panas antara Robert Kincaid, fotografer yang sedang berkeliling dunia, dan Francesca Johnson, seorang ibu rumah tangga dari Midwestern, dengan cepat naik pada posisi rating teratas.

Life and death are two natural moments happening to all creatures. Each creature will have a time to enjoy life, as he will have a time to feel death.
Why there are life and death? It is fundamental question, and the answer of it decides one’s meaning of life as well of death. The uncertainly answer to that question above reflects the uncertainly life, even also the meaningless death.
Allah The Holiest makes those things as a device to test anyone of us who has the best deeds. (67:2) “That He may try which of you is best in deed”. In that verse, why doesn’t it say “those who have great deeds (aktsaru a’mala)”, but it says “those who have best deeds (ahsanul a’mala”)?

Sustaining student’s independency

0 comments Posted by admin Thursday, April 22, 2010

“Independent is essential for students to have so that in behaving and doing responsibility, they stand on their own foot”

The biggest mistake for us in life is that we are afraid of making mistake”, uttered John Maxwell, an education practitioner. One of the efforts to create qualified human resource is through education.
School, as formal educational institution, has a significant role in realizing the vision of education through learning process. One of the results of the process is bearing independency. 

Some say, “Everyone can be Einstein”. It means that Einstein is just ordinary person. You don’t need to have bigger brain to be him. Even you may say that his capability was a gift and he was one of million years-person-born, but in the process, what he ever created is possible for us to innovate, renew, or just learn it. 

Semiloka Tunas Unggul

1 comments Posted by admin Thursday, April 15, 2010

At Saturday (9/4), Tunas Unggul Global Interactive School held semiloka titled “meaningful English teaching through project based learning” in Pasir Impun 122 Bandung. The occasion was followed by several participants (mostly English teacher) from all around West Java Schools. They came from varieties background school. The farthest participants came from Al Biruni Makassar, South Sulawesi. The activity began at 08.00 to 15.00 which consisted of three sessions; the first one was leaded by Ibu Ima , M.Pd from UPI and the second by Ibu Ika Lestari Damayanti, S.Pd.,M.A. The last one, as the workshop part, all participants was guided by the team of committee.

Funny Writing Game by Vernon

0 comments Posted by admin Saturday, April 10, 2010

Today I am sending you a fun writing game, which you can use in a variety of ways, and I'll give you plenty of

examples. The game is called Writing Race and it's lower down in this same email. I'd also like to let you know that you can have a truly bumper pack of games and materials, all included with the original e-book.
161 English Language Games for Children Includes 60 games for large classes 16 hours of elementary lesson plans with activity sheets 375 colourful printable flashcards plus various printable games such as funky bingo sets, colours and numbers pairword sets and other games. All those things are included with the games and to find out full details please visit The information of everthing that is included is all at the bottom of that page.

Listening Game for Danny

0 comments Posted by admin Friday, April 2, 2010

This email contains a really fun listening game with variants for large and small classes. If you are possibly planning to order the games and bonuses then do make the most of the current bargain price. I recently raised the dollar price and can do so again at any moment. So many people who have ordered my resources tell me they are such good value they cannot say no to them! Well I do want to offer
you great value, and I also have to cover all my costs at my end, and save to develop new products to help teachers. If you are not using my games and do not think you will, please unsubscribe easily by clicking the link at the very bottom of this email.

Here is a game with many variants, so you should be able to use it regardless of how big your class is.
In fact you can play this with anything from 2 to 60 players. Free flashcards are also available with each game which you can download. AND today, there is a bingo game includedtoo.Enjoy!

The Blanket Game - & Variants
1. How to Play
2. Language ideas to use with this game
3. Question practise variant
4. Sentence practise
5. A Lively variant
6. Materials for you to use with this game
7. Reading and spelling
8. Tell us what you think

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